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The 1100 trainer
The 1100 trainer
Our Price: $19.00


The American 1100 is a great lock to work up to and for most lock pickers it is a real challenge. What makes it hard are the security pins and need to use top of keyway tension. The 1100 trainer set is designed to give you everything you need to get proficient at picking that lock open. The kit comes with a .020 Monkey paw that is specially marked to show each pin stack location inside the lock. The Top of Key way flat bar included in the kit is specifically made for the 1100 to give complect control without interfering with the shell or first pin. The kit also includes a host of extra pins and springs so you can change out some of the pins.

PRO TIP: The 1100 is pretty simple to take apart. When unlocked look into the lock and you will see a Philips screw head. Unscrew this and you can take the lock apart. If you turn the key in the lock you will see that you can expose the bottom pins and drop them out. If you remove the C clip you can slide the shell forward and remove the top pins. Within a few steps you are able to make the 1100 into a much easier 3 pin training lock.


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